As a business owner, Office Manager, Health & Safety Officer or employer, there are many factors that you have to consider to both take the very best care of your employees and be compliant with UK law.
One such legal requirement is that employers must assess the risk that explosive gases and dangerous substances may pose to their employees. This law is captured in something called the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 (or DSEAR for short). Dating back to June 2015, DSEAR also covers the risk caused by gases under pressure and substances that are corrosive to metal. They are goal-setting regulations and are supported by an Approved Codes of Practice (ACOP) that provides practical advice on how to comply with them. They set minimum requirements for the protection of workers from fire and explosion risks related to dangerous substances, potentially explosive atmospheres, gases under pressure and substances corrosive to metals. As well as assessing the risks of these things, DSEAR also requires employers to control the risks to the safety of employees and others from these hazards. This involves: finding out what dangerous substances are in their workplace and what the risks are; putting control measures in place to either remove those risks or, where this is not possible, control them; putting controls in place to reduce the effects of any incidents involving dangerous substances; preparing plans and procedures to deal with accidents, incidents and emergencies involving dangerous substances; making sure employees are properly informed about and trained to control or deal with the risks from the dangerous substances; identifying and classifying areas of the workplace where explosive atmospheres may occur and avoiding ignition sources (from unprotected equipment, for example) in those areas. As with many areas of health & safety, that list sounds a bit scary when you read through it. And the last things that employers need is one more complex thing to add to their seemingly never-ending list of things to do. So, why not get in touch with WT Consultancy (a local and trusted Chartered Health & Safety Consultancy) who can assist you with fulfilling your DSEAR responsibilities and assessments. You can email them at [email protected] or call them on 01884 675101. Starting and running any business is a risk-filled endeavour. From balancing finances and managing employees to changing economic conditions and ensuring customer satisfaction. If you stop to write down the risks involved, it can soon feel overwhelming and a bit scary. Business certainly isn’t for the faint-hearted, that’s for sure!
On top of the more general risks which apply to all business types, there are specific health and safety risks which employers in certain industries need to think about and protect their staff against. The world of construction is one such industry and is statistically the second most dangerous industry to work in (second only to the combined agriculture, fishing and forestry industries). Here are five of the top risks which can be posed in construction environments: 1.Slips, Trips & Falls Due to the nature of construction sites, they are prime location for slips, trips and falls. This can be for many reasons, namely, uneven ground, wet or slippery surfaces, cables and materials or machinery awaiting use. 2.Manual HandlingOne of the most common causes of injury in a construction environment is incorrect handling, carrying or lifting of equipment or materials. Due to the regular nature or this sort of task in a construction setting, incorrect technique or posture can cause injury, varying from mild pain at best to permanent disability at worst. 3.Working From Height In most cases in construction environments, there is a need to work from height. This comes with a unique set of risks including loose tooling and equipment being stored at height, lack of safety nets or railing and, predictably, ladders or scaffolding which are not properly secured. 4.Noise & Vibrations The noise and vibrations associated with electric tools, machinery and equipment can cause lasting injury and damage to users if correct technique and safety gear aren’t used. For example, repetitive exposure to noise above 85dB can cause hearing loss or even deafness and repetitive vibration can severely damage nerves and blood vessels. 5.Asbestos & Dust Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous silicate mineral, composed of many microscopic "fibrils" that can be released into the atmosphere by abrasion and other processes. If a human breathes asbestos into their lungs, it can cause life-threatening respiratory diseases such as lung cancer, pleural disease and asbestosis. Airborne dust is also a huge issues on construction sites, particularly when created by the cutting or movement of hazardous materials. From relatively minor conditions such as asthma to life-threatening diseases such as silicosis. So, to ensure that you, your staff and your business are protected against these risks and the many others which exist in the modern working environment, get in touch with WT Consultancy (a local and trusted Chartered Health & Safety Consultancy who can offer a comprehensive service to bring you full compliance and peace of mind). You can email them at [email protected] or call them on 01884 675101. |